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Yolk sac tumour – characteristics of patient’s group and treatment outcome

Magdalena Miedzińska-Maciejewska, Anna Dańska-Bidzińska

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
GIN ONKOL, 2006, 4 (1), p. 38-45

Introduction: Yolk sac tumour is a very rare, highly aggressive germ cell neoplasm of ovaries. The aim of the paper: The aim of this paper is to present the group of patients, diagnosed with EST, treated in Department of Gynaecological Oncology, Cancer Centre, Warsaw, between 1994-2001. Material and methods: 11 patients were involved into the analysis. Yolk sac tumour was diagnosed in 13.25% of all patients with malignant germ cell tumours of reproductive organs. All patients were operated primarily outside our Centre. Results: The patients age varied from 16 to 44 years of age. Stage I according to FIGO classification was diagnosed in 6 patients (54.5%), 1 patient was with stage II, 2 patients in stage III and 2 patients in IV. All patients received 3 to 7 cycles of chemotherapy based on BEP regimen. I line therapy allowed to obtain 9 complete remissions, 1 stabilization of disease, and 1 case of progression. Recurrence of disease was found in 2 patients after about 6 months from first line treatment. Treatment failures (disease progression or recurrence) was reported in 3 patients that is in 27.7%. 3 patients were lost to follow-up during the first 4 months from prior chemotherapy. Within the rest of the group, no deaths were reported during observation period lasting from 2.6 to more than 10 years. In 3 patients the conservative surgery was performed; one successful pregnancy with delivery of healthy neonate was reported. Conclusions: The cure of the patients with yolk sac tumour is possible nowadays. Also it is possible to preserve fertility. But such outcome require to introduce the therapy as soon as possible, meaning optimal and proper staging surgery as well as intensive and early introduced chemotherapy.

Słowa kluczowe
yolk sac tumour/endodermal sinus tumour, malignant germ cell tumors, treatment, chemotherapy, surgery